And yes its hell for me been jobless for 3 months and couldn understand where i am heading to. Tough time is turning to be a worst time ,and the confidence levels are actually decreasing, my performance is actually getting degraded after every exam . Perfectly speaking when i look back for the last three months i did not face any technical interview yet and few i got kicked out during the first level of the interview. Definitely i cant escape saying that i dont compare myself with others , I try to ignore in most of the occasions but few are enough for me to get hurt. Its not the success of my friends which is hurting me but yes its my failure which i have to accept . I am trying to find every possible way but every door is getting closed . And shit i dont understand what should i do .
When u dont get employed doesnt matter about your academic record or the achievements u will be ignored just because u didnt reach the goal . It is important that you reach the goal people dont see how you did that and they are too busy to look out for those things.Yes i had the answer i am not living for the people around but success is something which matters even for self inspiration or to go ahead in life. And when u are facing failures ,yes i will start doubting myself regarding my abilities and my way of working and the goal i am working for . Many a times it will be the case you reach a place where you are not intended to or willing to but still u live there just because of the reason ,which i say you .
Words like determination, burning desire look good to watch out for or hear but they dont taste good untill unless we totally imbibe them and its not that easy to imbibe them. But the only thing that makes me carry through in my life is yes i have to go on i am living it for myself let me find every way let me run as long as i can , i cant wait for anyone and i expect no one to wait for me or give a helping hand . what ever be the way , what ever be the style i will keep running even if i reach my goal because this is LIFe for me.
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