Movie: Sirivennela
Lyricist: Sirivennela Sitarama Sastry
Language: Telugu
Vidhata talapuna prabhavinchinadi anaadi jeevana vedam...ommm...
prananadulaku spandananosagina aadi pranavanaadam...om...
kanula kolanulo pratibimbinchina viswaroopa vinyaasamm...
edakanumalalo prathidhvaninchina virinchipanchi gaanam....aaa..
sarasaswarasurajhareegamanamavu samaveda saramidi...
nepaadina jeevana geetham...ee geetham..
virinchinai virachinchitini ee kavanam..
vipanchinai vinipinchithini ee geetham....
prathisa vaeneeya paina dinakara mayoogha tantrulapaina..
jagrutha vihanga tathulai vineela gaganapu vedika paina...::2::
palikina kilakila tvanamula swaragathi jagathiki sreekaramu kaaga..
viswakaryamunakidi bhashyamugaaa....
janinchu prathisishu galamuna palikina jeevananaada tarangam
chetana pondina spandana dhvaninchu hrudayamrudangadhvanam...:2:
anaadiraagam aadi talamuna anantha jeevana vaahini gaa..
saagina srushti vidhaanamu ne,,,
naa uchwasam kavanam naa nishwasam gamanam....:2:
sarasaswarasurajhareegamanamavu samaveda saramidi...
nepaadina jeevana geetham...ee geetham..
In the thoughts of the creator the ancient living veda has born..omm
The earliest salutable hymn that has enabled senses to the human nerves..omm
The representation(exhibition) of vishwarupa that has reflected in the ponds of eyes...omm
The Brahma's song that has reverberated around the mountains of heart...aaa
This is the gist of sama veda, which is like the movement of angels
The life song that I am going to sing...this song
I re-wrote this poem By becoming Brahma him self ...
I made you hear(sang) this song By becoming a bird ...
On the flute of Eastern side and on the strings of morning sun...
becoming the sounds of woken up birds on the stage of blue skies..
when the rythm of that spelt twitter sound has become the initiator of world..
By making it the holy message of universal act..
I re-wrote this poem By becoming Brahma him self ...
I made you hear(sang) this song By becoming a bird ...
The waves of living sounds that will speak out of every infant that is born..
The sounds of a heart that are like Mrudanga's sounds when the heart is responding to an emotion (chetana)
By making those earliest tunes on the adi tala as the eternal life saga..
That ever going natural(creation) process ...
I re-wrote this poem By becoming Brahma him self ...
I made you hear(sang) this song By becoming a bird ...
My Inhalation is the poem..
My Exhalation is the song..
Got to confess i just copy pasted this from some odd website but this song is something which wakes me up and energizes me so i thought i should do this
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